I originally posted this in the (way-old) blog back in November 2011. Going through some of those old posts, I thought this well worth repeating.

Barry Duncan has written the Greenward Palindrome a 400-word palindromic story with plot, characters, references and various other nifty elements. This is a fun read.

There is also a list of references, acronyms, and abbreviations to further understanding and enjoyment.

It would be cheating to post it all in here, but here’s an excerpt:

At 1764 M.A., as I view Otsu, mill at some mags, I gab gab on. Sin. A catnip, a Reknitz on a pup. (Is it paw art?) Sleets? A Totes. “I was, I tote.”

And the riposte:

[Repaid organic posse? Help! Made few. Speesees on on]e tot is a wise tot. A steel straw apt: I sip up an oz., tinker, a pint, a can. I, snob? AG bag is game. Most. All. I must owe, I. Visa. Am 46.71. Ta! [No? Trade.]