title: “Transfer of Knowledge”

Thoughts after reading a chapter in the Spring 97 Parabola, “Knowing Beyond Knowing: The Heart of Hermetic Tradition”, Peter Kingsley, pp. 21-25.

The transfer of knowledge requires things of the Teacher (provider) and Pupil (consumer):

  • The Pupil must listen, listen with all their awareness, listen faster than the flow of information, to be able to perceive the knowledge behind it.

  • The Teacher must also listen, listen to the place within themselves that the flow of knowledge comes from. The flow is ever changing, a torrent of information for the senses. The Teacher must listen to this torrent faster than the torrent is running.

Teaching requires that both the Teacher and Pupil listen without the senses at all – the information from the torrent has already passed both of them by the time the Teacher prepares the lesson and the Pupil receives it.

The Teacher must prepare the lesson for the Pupil out in the future, so it will be appropriate for the Pupil at the time they receive it, appropriate to the current situation, the flow of the stream of knowledge and perception, and for the journey both of the them (Teacher and Pupil) have made up to that point.