This is truly the work of a dedicated sci-fi person. I salute you, Dirk Loechel!!

Massive Size Comparison Chart of Famous Spaceships From Sci-Fi Films, TV Shows, & Games

By Justin Page on September 27, 2013

Size Comparison - Science Fiction spaceships by Dirk Loechel


German artist Dirk Loechel has created a massive chart that compares the sizes of famous spaceships from sci-fi films, TV shows, and games. Some of the ships are from Star Wars, Star Trek, and Warhammer 40,000, and the gigantic chart contains starships many other fictional universes. Previously, we wrote about an interactive guide by Chris Kirk of Slate that compares the speeds of science-fiction spaceships.

Size Comparison - Science Fiction spaceships by Dirk Loechel

images via Dirk Loechel